
We are a com­pa­ny that pre­fers a more under­sta­ted approach, prio­ri­tiz­ing sub­stance over loud slo­gans. What we take pri­de in, and are not afraid to empha­si­ze, is our unwa­ve­ring com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty. This is reflec­ted in the fact that when it comes to coa­ting with Altefco, the­re is no bet­ter choice. You can count on it. Sin­ce 45 years.


  • Func­tion­al coa­ting or bond coa­ting?
  • Neces­sa­ry pro­per­ties?
  • Gra­da­ti­ons of pro­per­ties?
  • Find the right coa­ting



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses

Coa­ting finish



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses

Coa­ting finish



Coa­ting pro­ces­ses


Do aluminium sur­faces need to be com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly coa­ted to ensu­re that they are sui­ta­ble for their inten­ded use? Hand it over to us. We will deli­ver a finis­hed com­po­nent, com­ply­ing with spe­ci­fi­ed coat thic­k­nes­ses and tole­ran­ces – and unsur­pas­sed in terms of per­fec­tion.

Point of cont­act

You have any que­sti­ons? Any con­cerns? A request or an idea that you would like to dis­cuss with us? We look for­ward to hea­ring from you and fin­ding the right coa­ting solu­ti­on for you. Satis­fac­tion inclu­ded.

Please contact us via
+41 71 973 90 30

Fran­ces­co Fini
Mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board
Head of Sales and Mar­ke­ting

Josef Würsch
Cus­to­mer Con­sul­tant

Dani­el Ruh
Cus­to­mer Con­sul­tant

Gino Kuhn
Cus­to­mer Con­sul­tant


“We manu­fac­tu­re machi­nery for the cho­co­la­te indu­stry. The core com­pon­ents of our systems are trea­ted with an ALTEF® coa­ting, which makes them har­der and more scratch-resi­stant. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the sur­face gains bet­ter slip pro­per­ties. Altefco pro­vi­des excep­tio­nal­ly good con­sul­ting ser­vices. They help us when­ever neces­sa­ry and respond very quick­ly to inqui­ries. Adhe­rence to deli­very dates and con­si­stent qua­li­ty are fur­ther rea­sons why we have cho­sen Altefco.”

Joel Michel, TRIKNO AG

At this point, we would be deligh­ted to list all the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal brands and cor­po­ra­ti­ons for whom we have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work. Howe­ver, we refrain from doing so due to con­fi­den­tia­li­ty rea­sons. Instead, we extend our sin­ce­re gra­ti­tu­de for all the orders we have recei­ved.

Altefco stan­dard

Your com­pon­ents are in the best hands

Top-quality components coated to tolerance and complying with specified coat thicknesses