
Help shaping the Altefco team spirit

What dri­ves us? Achie­ving the best results when it comes to the coa­ting of aluminium sur­faces and satis­fied cus­to­mers. We put our heart and soul and skills into this. Sin­ce 45 years.

As a new team mem­ber, you will bene­fit from the values that an owner-mana­ged SME lives and cul­ti­va­tes – inclu­ding pro­xi­mi­ty, secu­ri­ty and stream­lined decis­i­on-making. For us, you are not just a num­ber – you have a voice. Regard­less of the workload, your work is varied and allo­ws you to play a part in sha­ping it. Every day.


  • 26 to 31 days holi­day (depen­ding on age)
  • Pos­si­bi­li­ty of part-time work
  • Free use of par­king spaces
  • Ergo­no­mic work­places
  • Spa­cious break and rela­xa­ti­on rooms
  • Free cof­fee

These positions are currently vacant

We work tog­e­ther as col­le­agues and tre­at each other the same way we tre­at our cli­ents – as equ­als. And we live the authen­tic Altefco style. What sets us apart? Come and visit us – get an impres­si­on. We look for­ward to get­ting to know you.

Your cont­act per­sons

San­dra Ban­ger­ter
Mem­ber of the
Exe­cu­ti­ve Board
Head of Per­son­nel
+41 71 973 90 30

Jean­ni­ne Bür­gis­ser
Exe­cu­ti­ve Assi­stant
+41 71 973 90 30

Infor­ma­ti­on for employment agen­ci­es:
For posi­ti­ons that we adver­ti­se our­sel­ves, we gene­ral­ly only con­sider direct appli­ca­ti­ons.

Appli­ca­ti­on form

    Appli­ca­ti­ons can also be sent direct­ly to: