Altefco Stan­dard

10 Rea­sons


A useful ser­vice

Advice is good when it is com­pe­tent, fast and uncom­pli­ca­ted. Regard­less of whe­ther you want an update, infor­ma­ti­on on a coa­ting pro­cess or pro­ject sup­port with design assi­stance – we are here for you.


The utmost care

Qua­li­ty beg­ins with the rece­ipt of goods. We inspect and docu­ment the alloy, refe­rence dimen­si­ons and con­di­ti­on of your com­pon­ents, and cla­ri­fy if neces­sa­ry. We start coa­ting only when all the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are unmist­aka­b­ly clear.


on-time deli­very

Kee­ping to dead­lines is essen­ti­al. What we our­sel­ves like to expect from our part­ners, we give you as a gua­ran­tee. You can count on the dates we set. This results in the best plan­ning secu­ri­ty and crea­tes a good fee­ling.


tur­n­around times

In effi­ci­en­cy lies strength. We have stan­dard lead times of 3 to 5 days. If you need it more quick­ly, we will do it when­ever it makes sen­se. This applies to a sin­gle pie­ce just as much as to series pro­duc­tion.


data sets

We are com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding the same con­si­stent qua­li­ty for every order. The­r­e­fo­re, we store all pro­cess para­me­ters of each indi­vi­du­al com­po­nent. For you, this ensu­res long-term secu­ri­ty – regard­less of whe­ther you coat indi­vi­du­al parts or series with us.


Strin­gent pro­ces­ses

Rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on is available at the push of a but­ton. We record all data rela­ting to your order and every pro­cess step pre­cis­e­ly and trace­ab­ly – from order ent­ry to deli­very of your com­pon­ents.



We are the first port of call when it comes to aluminium sur­face engi­nee­ring. We are only able to make this asser­ti­ve statement becau­se, in addi­ti­on to exper­ti­se and man­power, we also set the bar high in terms of infras­truc­tu­re.



Stan­ding still would be a step back­wards. We think ahead and con­sist­ent­ly deve­lop our offers, pro­ces­ses and methods. In this way, you can feel con­fi­dent that you have the right part­ner by your side – today and tomor­row.



A com­mit­ted team

Our employees are your gua­ran­tee of qua­li­ty. In order for them to enjoy their work, the appro­pria­te con­di­ti­ons are requi­red. We pro­vi­de them and in return demand the utmost care, relia­bi­li­ty and loyal­ty.


A strong sen­se of pri­de

Chal­lenges spur our ambi­ti­on. They moti­va­te us to accom­plish things that seem almost impos­si­ble. Our pro­mi­se is high-end – for both mun­da­ne and com­plex mat­ters. That’s your stan­dard.