
Tailored coating processes with versatile applications. Our 6 brands are used in a wide range of industries: Customers from all over Switzerland and Europe rely on our expertise and quality awareness. We are pleased to portray some of them on this page.



“We manu­fac­tu­re fil­ling systems for the food indu­stry, such as tho­se used for yoghurt, ice cream, sau­ces, soups, bever­a­ges, and much more. We use parts made of aluminium, which are also hard Ema­tal coa­ted by Altefco. We were impres­sed by the qua­li­ty of the EMATEC® coa­ting and the effi­ci­ent working methods of Altefco from the out­set. Their team always responds quick­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly, even in the most urgent cases when it comes to over­hauls and repairs. We great­ly app­re­cia­te that.”

Jonas Geiss­büh­ler
Head of Tech­no­lo­gy
Emba­Plan GmbH

Image source: EmbaPlan GmbH

Smart fil­ling
Emba­Plan GmbH

Emba­Plan GmbH, based in Wal­krin­gen Bern, Switz­er­land, has tea­m­ed up with Altefco to refi­ne its fil­ling and dosing systems for yoghurts, ice creams and drinks. The Emba­Plan GmbH pro­duct ran­ge inclu­des stan­dard machi­nes as well as tail­or-made pro­ducts to meet cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. Aluminium com­pon­ents coa­ted with EMATEC® are fre­quent­ly used for this appli­ca­ti­on.

When we open a yoghurt or ice cream cup, we rare­ly con­sider the pro­cess invol­ved in pro­du­cing this delightful des­sert. Effi­ci­ent­ly dosing and fil­ling the­se types of food and drinks requi­res a sur­pri­sing amount of effort. This is pre­cis­e­ly whe­re Emba­Plan GmbH, based in Wal­krin­gen, comes in. The com­pa­ny spe­cia­li­ses in the manu­fac­tu­re of this type of fil­ling systems and offers tail­or-made machi­nes as well as stan­dard solu­ti­ons.

Grea­ter resi­stance to clea­ning agents
The majo­ri­ty of the systems desi­gned by Emba­Plan GmbH are made of stain­less steel. Sin­ce this mate­ri­al is very hea­vy, ligh­ter aluminium is used in cer­tain parts of the system. “To make the­se parts more resi­stant, for exam­p­le to clea­ning agents, they need to be coa­ted,” explains Jonas Geiss­büh­ler, who is respon­si­ble for deve­lo­p­ment at Emba­Plan GmbH. Inter­nal tests have shown that the hard Ema­tal coa­ting tech­ni­que is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for this appli­ca­ti­on. Emba­plan GmbH has final­ly found the ide­al part­ner for this stage of the pro­ject in Altefco.

Unri­val­led deli­very speed
Sin­ce the begin­ning of the part­ner­ship in spring 2023, Altefco has coa­ted more than 300 machi­ne parts for Emba­Plan GmbH, incre­a­sing their resi­stance. Jonas Geiss­büh­ler explains that the cus­to­mer from the can­ton of Bern is extre­me­ly plea­sed with the out­co­mes. “Only a sel­ect few sup­pliers offer a solu­ti­on simi­lar to Altefco’s EMATEC® ‚” he explains. “We opted for Altefco becau­se their fast deli­very times of less than two weeks are unri­val­led.” This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for urgent orders invol­ving over­hauls and repairs. The price/performance ratio offe­red by Altefco is also excel­lent, says the expert.

A carou­sel in the post
One of Emba­Plan GmbH’s clas­sic pro­ducts is the carou­sel, a turn­ta­ble for fil­ling yoghurt cups. The carou­sel is the lar­gest com­po­nent sent by post from Wal­krin­gen to Altefco in Thur­gau. Jonas Geiss­büh­ler sta­tes that the carou­sel has a dia­me­ter of 70 cen­ti­me­t­res and weighs appro­xi­m­ate­ly 4 kilo­grams. Other than that, Emba­Plan main­ly sends smal­ler parts to Altefco. Ano­ther advan­ta­ge of the low-poro­si­ty and tita­ni­um-con­tai­ning EMATEC® aluminium oxi­de coa­ting is that it is com­ple­te­ly food-safe.



“As experts in CNC metal com­po­nent pro­duc­tion, we rely on depen­da­ble col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our part­ners as we fre­quent­ly need to respond prompt­ly. For our new pro­ducts, we need a part­ner that is pre­pared to work with us to deve­lop a tail­o­red solu­ti­on that meets the customer’s needs. With Altefco, this works per­fect­ly. They are fle­xi­ble and can manu­fac­tu­re cus­to­mi­sed pro­ducts. And the qua­li­ty of their coa­tings is out­stan­ding.”

Fabi­an Crus­co
Head of AVOR

Tail­or-made and hard-wea­ring
Hockey side­pla­tes from ProCNC

How can ice hockey be made more sus­tainable? Ric­car­do Signo­rell, a for­mer pro­fes­sio­nal play­er, posed this que­sti­on and, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with his busi­ness part­ner Daya­na Signo­rell, foun­ded the start-up Green Hockey. The two of them deve­lo­ped a new type of syn­the­tic ice rink and the cor­re­spon­ding skate blades. The aluminium parts for the blades are manu­fac­tu­red by ProCNC, which in turn has them coa­ted by Altefco.

Why pro­du­ce new syn­the­tic mate­ri­als when the­re are alre­a­dy exi­sting ones? Green Hockey AG was deter­mi­ned to deve­lop a new type of syn­the­tic ice rink, OCEANICE®, using recy­cled pla­stic waste. Howe­ver, it is not pos­si­ble to skate on them with con­ven­tio­nal skates, but rather on the spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped SHARKBLADES®, who­se blades are equip­ped with small, sharp rol­lers that do not requi­re shar­pe­ning.

In addi­ti­on to the actu­al shoe, the SHARKBLADES® con­sist of a lar­ge num­ber of indi­vi­du­al parts, each of which under­went seve­ral ite­ra­ti­ons befo­re they were dee­med sui­ta­ble for play by the pro­fes­sio­nals who tested them. The desi­gners were keen to ensu­re that the fee­ling of ska­ting on the syn­the­tic sur­face was as clo­se as pos­si­ble to that on real ice. “Our task was to pro­du­ce the side­pla­tes, which are the two outer com­pon­ents of the blades. It was important for Green Hockey to achie­ve the same effect on the syn­the­tic ice rink as con­ven­tio­nal skates do on the ice,” explains Fabi­an Crus­co, Head of AVOR at ProCNC. “The feed­back from seve­ral play­ers was fac­to­red into pro­duc­tion, and we tested what was pos­si­ble in terms of pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy.”

The chall­enge of colour con­si­sten­cy
the side­pla­tes of the SHARKBLADE® run­ners are made of a spe­cial aluminium. “The cli­ent wan­ted the metal to have a con­si­stent colour.” In order to accom­plish this, ProCNC made sure that the raw mate­ri­al was high­ly homo­ge­neous. The second chall­enge was to find a type of coa­ting that would not chan­ge the sil­ver colour and still offer the requi­red wear resi­stance.
“We had a lively and inten­si­ve dia­lo­gue with the Altefco team. We had alre­a­dy had very good expe­ri­en­ces with them on pre­vious pro­jects,” says Fabi­an Crus­co. “We then tested it until it was func­tio­ning cor­rect­ly.” For this pur­po­se, Altefco cus­to­mi­sed the ANOTEC® anodising pro­cess to meet cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. “We were impres­sed by the qua­li­ty of the coa­ting we recei­ved from Altefco, and our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with them was high­ly coope­ra­ti­ve once again”, says Fabi­an Crus­co.

ProCNC was able to deli­ver the first series pro­duc­tion of around 2000 side­pla­tes for the SHARKBLADE® run­ners in various sizes on sche­du­le in Febru­ary 2024. They are alre­a­dy being used in seve­ral count­ries, inclu­ding Cana­da and the USA. SHARKBLADES® and OCEANICE® can now also be purcha­sed direct­ly from

Zubler Handling


“Altefco is con­ve­ni­ent­ly loca­ted near us, allo­wing us to deli­ver and pick up our machi­ne parts for coa­ting in a fle­xi­ble man­ner. As a tail­or-made machi­ne manu­fac­tu­rer for the pla­stic indu­stry, we often need to react quick­ly. When time is of the essence, we recei­ve sup­port from Altefco. They have our back and meet the dead­lines. And – we have prac­ti­cal­ly zero defects.”

Remo Mül­ler
Head of Purcha­sing and Manufacturing
Zubler Handling AG

Effi­ci­ent and high­ly pre­cise
Tail­or-made machi­nes from Zubler Handling

The pro­duc­tion systems in the pla­stics indu­stry are high­ly auto­ma­ted. This extends far bey­ond the actu­al pro­duc­tion of injec­tion moul­ded parts. Post-pro­duc­tion pro­ces­sing in par­ti­cu­lar is extre­me­ly com­plex. Zubler Handling AG from Uzwil SG is a spe­cia­list in manufacturing tail­or-made machi­nes and excels in this niche.

“Injec­tion moul­ded parts are remo­ved from the mould, mea­su­red, inspec­ted, stacked, packa­ged and label­led on the tail­or-made auto­ma­ti­on systems from Zubler Handling,” explains Remo Mül­ler, Head of Purcha­sing and Manufacturing at Zubler Handling AG. Among the pla­stic pro­ducts pro­ces­sed with the company’s machi­nes are, for exam­p­le, pre­cis­i­on parts for medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy, pack­a­ging for the food indu­stry and much more.

The machi­nes come into direct cont­act with the finis­hed pla­stic parts and one of the chal­lenges in post-pro­ces­sing is handling the parts, which are often only mil­li­me­t­res in size, wit­hout dama­ging them during mecha­ni­cal con­vey­ing. Fur­ther­mo­re, pla­stic parts for labo­ra­to­ry tech­no­lo­gy are pro­du­ced in cle­an­rooms, which requi­res addi­tio­nal requi­re­ments. Abra­si­on, for exam­p­le on con­vey­or belts and grip­per arms, must be avo­ided at all costs. The­r­e­fo­re, various parts that come into cont­act with the pla­stic parts requi­re very good slip pro­per­ties. “Ever­ything must run cle­an­ly and pre­cis­e­ly,” explains Remo Mül­ler.

High pro­duc­ti­vi­ty requi­red
Zubler Handling machi­ne parts are coa­ted with ALTEF® or EMATEF®, depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on and func­tion of the com­po­nent. EMATEF® is main­ly used for parts whe­re supe­ri­or slip pro­per­ties are requi­red. It pro­vi­des a low rough­ness value, eli­mi­na­ting the need for expen­si­ve finis­hing (poli­shing). “We have a long-stan­ding col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Altefco in this field and are very satis­fied,” says Remo Mül­ler. “As a tail­or-made machi­ne manu­fac­tu­rer, we often need to react quick­ly. When the pres­su­re is on, Altefco is the­re to back us up. They are very relia­ble.”

The pla­stics indu­stry is high­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve and Zubler Handling ope­ra­tes inter­na­tio­nal­ly. The Uzwil-based com­pa­ny offers its cus­to­mers a com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vice, from engi­nee­ring through to com­mis­sio­ning, main­ten­an­ce and repairs. “Effi­ci­en­cy and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty in the manu­fac­tu­re of our machi­nes is essen­ti­al for us to remain com­pe­ti­ti­ve,” says Remo Mül­ler. “Altefco also sup­ports us on this front. The com­pa­ny meets dead­lines and deli­vers the best qua­li­ty. And we have vir­tual­ly zero rejects from the coa­ting pro­cess.”

Suter Industries

“Suter Industries sup­plies anti-hop­ping clut­ches to race teams, motor­bike manu­fac­tu­r­ers and dea­lers world­wi­de. They are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a high degree of hard­ness and bond strength – and they look beau­tiful. Altefco is a tech­ni­cal lea­der in aluminium coa­ting and ANOTEC® meets our high requi­re­ments. We are par­ti­cu­lar­ly impres­sed by the dimen­sio­nal accu­ra­cy, the con­sist­ent­ly high qua­li­ty and the ele­gant visu­al appear­ance of our finis­hed clut­ches.”

Roger Sut­ter
Pro­duc­tion Mana­ger
Suter Industries

Ele­gant and safe
Motor­bike clut­ches from Suter Industries

The com­pa­ny Suter Industries from Tur­ben­thal ZH has been using ANOTEC® from Altefco for coa­ting motor­bike clut­ches for over 20 years. Their flag­ship pro­duct, the “SUTERCLUTCH”, is extre­me­ly popu­lar with racers, motor­bike manu­fac­tu­r­ers and motor­bike enthu­siasts ali­ke owing to its sophi­sti­ca­ted engi­nee­ring.

Peo­p­le who ride motor­bikes do so out of pas­si­on. They take spe­cial care of their own bike, becau­se it should offer maxi­mum safe­ty on the road and also look gre­at. Suter Industries, a vehic­le sup­plier in the motor­bike, bicy­cle and ener­gy sec­tors, is a manufacturing com­pa­ny with 45 employees. The com­pany­’s best-known pro­ducts are anti-hop­ping clut­ches for motor­bikes, of which it pro­du­ces seve­ral thou­sand per year. Suter Industries sup­plies racing teams, various motor­bike manu­fac­tu­r­ers and end cus­to­mers.

Long­stan­ding col­la­bo­ra­ti­on
Suter Industries has reli­ed on Altefco as a coa­ting part­ner in this area for over 20 years. “Altefco is the tech­ni­cal lea­der when it comes to aluminium coa­tings,” sagt Roger Sut­ter, pro­duc­tion mana­ger at Suter Industries. The col­la­bo­ra­ti­on deve­lo­ped, howe­ver, also becau­se of the geo­gra­phi­cal pro­xi­mi­ty: “For us, it is easy to deli­ver and coll­ect the parts in near­by Thur­gau.” Altefco is also unri­val­led in terms of pro­ces­sing speed: “A job usual­ly takes a week – if it’s urgent, Altefco can do it in two days.”

Con­si­stent qua­li­ty
Hard­ness and bon­ding strength are cru­cial for the coa­ting of motor­bike clut­ches. That is why Suter Industries has opted for hard anodising with ANOTEC®. The pro­cess invol­ves app­ly­ing a lay­er of aluminium oxi­de, which pro­tects the clutch from wear and cor­ro­si­on. The sur­face of the base mate­ri­al is trans­for­med in the pro­cess. This means that half of the coat thic­k­ness ‘grows’ into the base mate­ri­al, so that a stan­dard thic­k­ness of 40 µm (40/1000 mil­li­me­t­res) results in an appli­ca­ti­on of 20 µm. “We are par­ti­cu­lar­ly con­vin­ced by the dimen­sio­nal accu­ra­cy,” says Roger Sut­ter. “Altef­co’s coa­tings are always exact­ly the same thic­k­ness. We can rely on that.”

The­re is ano­ther good rea­son why Suter Industries works almost exclu­si­ve­ly with Altefco for its motor­bike clut­ches: “Our cus­to­mers want their motor­bike to look gre­at,” says Roger Sut­ter. “An ele­gant appear­ance is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly important to us. ANOTEC® enables us to achie­ve this as well.”


“We manu­fac­tu­re machi­nery for the cho­co­la­te indu­stry. The core com­pon­ents of our systems are trea­ted with an ALTEF® coa­ting, which makes them har­der and more scratch-resi­stant. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the sur­face gains bet­ter slip pro­per­ties. Altefco pro­vi­des excep­tio­nal­ly good con­sul­ting ser­vices. They help us when­ever neces­sa­ry and respond very quick­ly to inqui­ries. Adhe­rence to deli­very dates and con­si­stent qua­li­ty are fur­ther rea­sons why we have cho­sen Altefco.”

Joel Michel
Head of Purcha­sing

Robust and ver­sa­ti­le
Cho­co­la­te pro­duc­tion lines from TRIKNO AG

In cho­co­la­te pro­duc­tion, ver­sa­ti­li­ty is the name of the game. TRIKNO AG from Fel­ben-Well­hau­sen spe­cia­li­ses in cho­co­la­te and con­fec­tion­ery machi­nes and stands out for its cus­to­mi­sed solu­ti­ons. The Thur­gau-based com­pa­ny reli­es on Altefco for its aluminium coa­ting.

The pro­duc­tion of a pra­li­ne is a high­ly com­plex mat­ter. The initi­al­ly liquid cho­co­la­te goes through a who­le series of pro­duc­tion steps on its way to beco­ming a finis­hed con­fec­tion. Start­ing with the pro­duc­tion of the cho­co­la­te mass, to the moul­ding of hol­low forms, to the brief stop on a vibra­ti­on table for con­si­stent shell thic­k­ness, to pou­ring in the fil­ling, to pre­hea­ting again under a bon­net, and final­ly to gar­nis­hing with nuts or other deli­ca­ci­es. TRIKNO AG spe­cia­li­ses in such pro­duc­tion lines and is repre­sen­ted with its equip­ment at almost all the major cho­co­la­te brands in Switz­er­land. “We cater to the indi­vi­du­al needs of our cus­to­mers and also offer pro­to­ty­pe cons­truc­tion,” says Joël Michel, Head of Purcha­sing at TRIKNO AG.

Cus­to­mer from the very begin­ning
For more than ten years, TRIKNO cho­co­la­te pro­duc­tion line machi­ne parts have been trea­ted with aluminium coa­tings. “We have alre­a­dy had over 6800 parts coa­ted at Altefco. We opt for ELOX and ALTEF® coa­tings,” says Joël Michel. The core parts of the pro­duc­tion lines are coa­ted with ALTEF® – this makes them har­der and thus more scratch-resi­stant. It also increa­ses the slip pro­per­ties of the cho­co­la­te mass on the sur­face. Exter­nal machi­ne parts are given an ELOX coat – making them more cor­ro­si­on-resi­stant and visual­ly more appe­al­ing.

For the ulti­ma­te cho­co­la­te expe­ri­ence
It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for TRIKNO that both types of coa­ting meet food safe­ty stan­dards: “We have to com­ply with many requi­re­ments in terms of food safe­ty. The end pro­duct must not be con­ta­mi­na­ted. Altefco’s pro­cess puts us on the safe side,” explains the cho­co­la­te pro­duc­tion expert. “Ano­ther advan­ta­ge the coa­tings offer is extra pro­tec­tion when clea­ning the machi­nes.”

Machi­nes are clea­ned often, and when a pro­duct chan­ge is due, cho­co­la­te pro­du­cers have to make sure that not even the smal­lest rem­nant of the pre­vious pro­duct is left in the machi­ne.

A part­ner­ship on equal terms
“Altefco’s aluminium coa­tings are not just sur­faces, they bond with the mate­ri­al under­neath and as a result are very dura­ble,” says Joël Michel.
In addi­ti­on to pra­li­nes, a wide varie­ty of cho­co­la­te con­fec­tions can be pro­du­ced on TRIKNO lines – from simp­le cho­co­la­te bars to Easter bun­nies and from cho­co­la­te bana­nas through to truf­fles or bis­cuit fil­lings. “Altefco has been fami­li­ar with our parts for a very long time and they have given us some good tips. We also get an imme­dia­te respon­se when we have que­sti­ons.”